- Please always call first before coming to drop off any items, to determine our appointment availability, stock level of certain items and get a brief description of what you are bringing for consignment (905 556 0444).
- All clothing presented must be good quality, pre-owed or new with designer labels. Keeping labels on items helps assess the value and it sells better. However if the labels are gone we will be pricing the items at a lower value.
- They must be in excellent condition and no more than 3 years old, exceptions apply to classic, high-end designs and vintage pieces.
- Clothes must be brought on hangers (they can be returned to you) clean, dry-clean and pressed (if required). No more than 10 to 12 items maximum per drop off please.
- The prices of your items are set by us. A good guideline is 25 to 50% of current retail selling price. However if you want to discuss the price of certain unique classic vintage items, we ask that you do so at the time of drop off. We cannot be responsible for under pricing an item that was not prior discussed.
- The consignors will receive 30% of the selling price and may call at anytime during business hours to check the status of their account.
- Please note that Inspired by you does NOT call you in regards to your expiry date or amounts owing.
- Please note that we are not able to give you a list of priced items at the time of consignment. Once your order is processed you can visit the store and we can provide a itemized list
- We do not accept clothes with the following conditions: damaged, wrinkled, stained, broken zipper, company logo, smells of tobacco, mothballs or mildew. We also do NOT accept wedding dresses, undergarments, lingerie or bathing suits.
- We keep and merchandise your items for a total period of 90 days since the day we process them. After the first 60 days, unsold clothing and shoes items get discounted and then after the 3 months mark, unclaimed unsold items get automatically donated to various preferred charities (exceptions are made on expensive designer and higher value items).
- It is the consignor responsibility to pick up their unsold items within the 90 days if they decide to take them back.
- We take all precautions to deter theft and also take great care of the items on consignment but, Inspired by you is not responsible for items that may be stolen or damaged.
- We have an ALL SALES FINAL policy on items purchased at Inspired by you. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Thank you for your understanding.